Social Justice
Legacy League Stories

I live in the U.S., a choice I made decades ago. I get to Israel every opportunity possible.

Israel makes me cry, and laugh, and every time I arrive at Ben Gurion Airport I want to kiss the ground. Call me romantic: there I walk among the descendants of generations ago neighbors, not the descendants of my persecutors as here in the U.S. There I breathe the dust of my ancestors. Their history is my history and their destiny is my destiny.

I am leaving a legacy gift to the Israel Religious Action Center, IRAC. Because Israel breathes within me, and expresses my aspirations for my people. I feel commanded to perpetuate and deepen the work, to help them fulfill with their lives our shared vision of Israel’s possibilities.

Im tirtzu, ayn zoh agadah. If you will it, it is no dream!

-Mark H. Levin