The Jewish Supremisict Leader in His Own Words

October 13, 2015

"... I am not generalizing, but those who are disloyal to the state should not be here, and anyone raising their hands on a Jew must have their hand cut off."
https://soundcloud.com/yulian-levinson/51c2frfqmv6u (min 3:15 – 5:13)

November 4, 2015

In the memorial ceremony of Rabbi Meir Kahane, who called for complete segregation between Jews and Arabs in Israel and advocated the enactment of Nuremberg-like racial and miscegenation laws: "The memorial here is not only a way of remembering the person but it is a pledge of allegiance, a declaration of allegiance to the idea, to continue his way. We see and hear more and more people who believe that Kahane was right. .. We want the ideas of Rabbi Kahane in power."

March 25, 2016

"I would like to be appointed Minister for the Encouragement of Massive Emigration of Muslims from the land of Israel."
https://soundcloud.com/galey-israel/25-03-16a-1 (min 29:24 – 29:35)

July 22, 2016

Regarding the LGBTQ+ community: "They have no place neither in Jerusalem nor anywhere else in the State of Israel."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcN5pfinjV0 (2:40 -3)

November 18, 2016

"... Everyone knows that Rabbi Kahane was right. Rabbi Kahane was a man of truth, he meant every word, every comma, every statement ..."

April 8, 2016

Speaking in support of MK Smotrich’s call to segregate maternity wards between Jews and Arabs: "If there is an Arab woman who is willing to declare loyalty to the State of Israel AHALN VE'SAHALAN [all well and good], but I am in favor of having pregnant women take a loyalty oath… to the State of Israel, to declare that she is not in favor of destroying and erasing the state... Let's stop the fake coexistence nonsense as my wife says, when a lot of those women and a very large part of their visitors want to murder, to kill your [Jewish] baby, who is there with you in the room [in maternity wards]."
https://soundcloud.com/galey-israel/08-04-16a-3 (34:04-34:50)

December 9, 2016

"The state of Israel is first and foremost Jewish and only then democratic and a judge in a Jewish state must, first of all, consider the State’s Jewish values. Evicting Jews from any settlement is contrary to the decree of the Torah and to Jewish law. It harms the Jewish values of the state and therefore it is not hypocrisy to say that the expulsion of Jews from their homes harms the Jewish value of the state and the expulsion of an enemy from his home is something completely different."
https://soundcloud.com/galey-israel/9-12-16a-2 (min 27:34-28:14)

December 11, 2016

"We have to speak honestly. That there are many, many Arabs – I didn't say all the Arabs, but a lot of Arabs who are not loyal to the State of Israel. Undoubtedly, their vote is endangering Israeli democracy, … Any normal country would not let them vote. Unfortunately, we are allowing hundreds of thousands of people who are disloyal to the State of Israel to vote in the elections... "
https://soundcloud.com/galey-israel/11-12-2016a (min 4:51 – 5:25)

July 23, 2017

Referring to the murder of a 16-year-old Palestinian Teenager murdered by Jews in 2014: "I am unequivocally against executing the [Jewish] murderer of Abu Khdeir and in favor of killing the [Arab] murderers of Jews… There is a difference between terrorism, between a situation where they want to annihilate a nation, and the acts of people with whom I disagree, and who I think made a very big mistake, they've committed a crime, they have to pay for the crime, but, and that’s a big difference, there's no comparison, this [Jews killing Abu Khdeir] is not terrorism."
https://soundcloud.com/galey-israel/23-07-2017a-1 (min 6:00)

November 12, 2017

"... It is actually a good idea to hang in every synagogue a picture of our teacher and rabbi, Rabbi Kahane, may God avenge his death... They are afraid because they know that Rabbi Kahane was right. They are afraid because we are not Bennett who says that 99% of Arabs are loyal to the State of Israel... We don’t sugarcoat things, we're not sucking up, we're telling the truth... In the light of the holy rabbi [Kahane] that his words never stop being relevant. The feeling sometimes is as if Rabbi Kahane was speaking about today. That every single word [of Rabbi Kahane] is relevant, is on point, pertains to today’s reality... We had a prophet in our midst, a leader among us and we, we walk in his footsteps."

February 1, 2019

Referring to the annexation of the West Bank: "[I am] In favor of sovereignty, but not in a way that adds hundreds of thousands of enemies. A program that encourages emigration is better..."

February 21, 2019

"... They tarnished Rabbi Kahane’s character... He was cast out for no reason. Rabbi Kahane fought for the State of Israel... To prevent the enemy from coming and doing whatever they want. Our enemies, even if they see you, will want to kill you... What is the difference between Rabbi Kahane and us? Accept of the fact that he was a great leader, the main difference is that for us they are willing to turn on the microphone The difference [between us] is in the style in which we speak [not in the opinions]… Those who are disloyal must be kicked out."

March 31, 2019

"’Drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you… But If you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides.’ We did not drive out those who were disloyal to us, and we created a state within a state in the Galilee. There are places, in which farmers cannot grow crops [because of] agricultural terrorism. They [Arabs] hurt them [Jewish farmers], steal and rob them. They have no choice but to give up and pay protection money. The same thing happens in the Negev... There are places in which people lost all motivation to become landowners… because have to pay protection. We have not expelled those who are disloyal, and in return, we got a constantly ticking bomb. And as if this is not enough, they have representatives in the Israeli parliament... "

April 2, 2019

About Kahane: "The leader of Israel, a true scholar, an intellectual, [He had] tremendous devotion to the Land of Israel and to the people of Israel. He was the one who said that without loyalty there is no citizenship... A holy leader." When confronted with the fact that Kahane has been disqualified from Israeli elections and shunned in the United States, Ben Gvir replied, "Their ban means that in my opinion he is Kosher."
https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2218433168216512&id=100001495529013&__xts__[0]=68.ARAfwz90aHhZv_Lbq2Sqd_ksJ8BAWeGLzvv0Rh78eHcPANdjF5kjkIcwmq1w7potg_aJFlW-PviZPjIaUdzS-6DthEGSgBJVF_g2doQOcfg_WadWHzMyjh2OxUmyGFAAv4Rg9I_Z-mkk1vG631JybBiqNQmLb5Uk1Y_o4_FhLpk2yUCaz-elWNPPk5HyrWowpqUJUgDdAVegiZW_yiI8zpyGaAsLQvG8LeEGbnePkXcPHqBBrePk1S_ n9qCn18wZznUnUjxCw7fcPNTE3oTdg-25xMj4taeGqe2eEIb479xROLADXRUt0n5OaE-zu1PaCEDbgJiOT--NQV17yU4Xt2KfcbuQgqbjruQN&__tn__=-R

April 3, 2019

There are many Arabs who are disloyal and those who are not loyal should not be here."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPSdirtCJpk (min 8:40 – 8:50)

September 11, 2019

"Unfortunately, [social security] payments are given to people who do not deserve them. These payments are given to people who cheat the social security system, they are given to all kinds of people who submit falsified details, and the social security workers are sometimes afraid to enter the places where they [Arabs] live. I don't have a problem with Arabs as such, as long as they are loyal to the state, and accept it as it is. Ahalan and Sahlan [You’re welcome here] as long as you accept all the conditions. But anyone who wants a Palestinian state here, anyone who wants to harm the state, anyone who supports terrorism and cheats the social security administration, and the police and that the social security administration are afraid to enter their village – this is something that has to stop and that we must change. If we’ll change it, we’ll see that there are not only millions but tens of millions of shekels available for ‘the needy from among you’ [for Jewish beneficiaries of social security]”

September 18, 2019

"My style has changed, but the ideology is the same ideology. I still believe that those who are our enemies should be expelled from here... Baruch [Marzel] Benzi [Gopstein] Michael [Ben Ari] are the most righteous people, they are the greatest public leaders that there are. Don’t misunderstand me - the style is different, I don't speak the same way as they do, that’s true"

October 25, 2020

At a memorial service marking the 30th anniversary of the death of Rabbi Kahane, he called him “Our teacher and leader” and “tzadik” (righteous) and added: “thirty years after his murder, I believe that Rabbi Kahane is looking at us from above and smiling, saying: ‘we’ve got a future, there is hope.”
https://30y.co.il (from minute 01:29)

October 17, 2021

"I toured the Bedouin region and saw the Bedouins' takeover of state land. Unfortunately, the State of Israel is being conquered from within."

October 24, 2021

– At the next memorial, marking the 31st anniversary of Rabbi Kahane’s death he said: "In the past month, more than ten articles in the anti-Semitic newspaper Haaretz have been dedicated to us, and this is what one of the articles says: ‘Rabbi Meir Kahane can rest in peace. MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, has become Israel’s guiding light [literally: Urim and Tummim]’... I want to thank Haaretz. Thank you for telling me that I am on the right path and that Rabbi Kahane will be proud of me"

December 12, 2021

–"It's everywhere, in Safed, in the south, north, and center, and in Judea and Samaria, of course, as well. We are losing the country. Israel is being conquered."

December 12, 2021

"We need a Memorial Day for Rabbi Kahane, a few weeks ago we stood in memory of MK from HADASH [the left-wing Arab party] party, why not stand in memory of Kahane? Why does Rabin have a Memorial Day? Rabin's ideology at the end of his life was very problematic. I can list hundreds of good deeds Rabbi Kahane did. He had so many."
https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=478027833931731&_rdr (min 3:50)

August 16, 2022

"I certainly think that a Ministry should be established to encourage emigration so that anyone throwing Molotov cocktails and stones at IDF soldiers as an act of terror, [anyone] against the state of the Jewish people and their country should not be here... A Jew who threw stones at IDF soldiers should spend many years in prison, but there is a difference between those who want to destroy the Jewish state and those who do not... There can be no comparison..."